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"Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping?"

Thursday 1 December 2011

A gift from Yahoo!

Who'd believe it? A day after i write that silly thing about dream headlines, that august organ of international news and reportage - yahoo! - comes up with one that would have given me lasting pride and pleasure, had it been mine:
'Nasty twerp' Clarkson slams strikers

So reality trumps my fiction yet again. This was so much better than the other feeble dream headlines I continue to mint in my sclerotic brain-bin, such as:

Cameron scraps "pointless" Olympics
The prime minister last night announced the cancellation of the London 2012 Olympics, on the grounds that "two weeks of hopping, skipping and jumping were simply not worth the bother".

Journalists almost as bad as the people they write about, concludes Leveson
(that one inspired by the sickening A. Campbell's twopenn'orth).

Blah, blah!

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